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为合理使用本市新闻发布中心(以下简称发布中心),加强对发布中心的管理,依据《中共无锡市委办公室无锡市人民政府办公室关于印发〈关于进一步改进和加强我市政府新闻发布工作的意见〉的通知》(锡委办发〔2008〕4号)和《关于无锡市政务新闻中心建设工作会议纪要》(锡政会纪〔2009〕213 号),结合本市实际情况,特制定本办法。

第一条 本办法所管理的范围为发布中心内新闻发布厅、一号专访室、二号专访室、记者服务区。

第二条 发布中心主要用于满足市委、市政府及各部、委、办、局、直属单位的新闻发布工作需要,可组织召开新闻发布会、新闻通气会、记者联谊会等活动。发布中心内严禁举办各种商业推介活动。

第三条 发布中心由市政府办公室统一扎口管理,各场所未经批准不得对外开放。市政府办公室政务公开处(新闻联络处)为责任处室,负责日常技术保障及相关服务。

第四条 各单位如需使用新闻发布中心,须提前一周与市政府办公室政务公开处(新闻联络处)联系,预定成功后统一填写《无锡市新闻发布中心使用申请表》,注明使用时间、使用场所、使用事由,并由申请单位盖章后报批。在保障市级新闻发布活动的前提下,按申请日期先后安排使用。如发生时间冲突,通过协商解决。

第五条 各使用单位在使用过程中,要爱护公物。未经许可,不得将发布中心内设备、桌椅、物品随意搬动或挪作他用。如有损坏,照价赔偿。会议特殊设备各单位自备。

第六条 本办法解释权归市政府办公室。

第七条 本办法自印发之日实施。



Interpretation of Circular No.698

Jian Sun


 In accordance with provisions of the new Law of Enterprise Income Tax (2008) and Implementing Regulations (2008), whether the income from equity investment asset transfer is derived from PRC shall be classified by the domicile of the invested enterprise, so as to decide whether should pay the income tax in PRC jurisdiction. Whereas, the State Administration of Taxation of PRC (SAT) has not clearly addressed the condition that whether the income from foreign enterprises’ transfer of Chinese domestic enterprises shares they indirectly held by the transfer of offshore holding companies falls into Chinese jurisdiction or should pay income tax in PRC.

The promulgation of Circular No.698 Guoshuihan 2009

 On December 10, 2009, the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) promulgated the Circular on Regarding Strengthening the Administration of Income Tax of Sale of Shares by Non-Resident Enterprises, (Guoshuihan [2009] 698) .

 Provisions in Circular No.698 clearly addresses that prevent the foreign enterprises from evading income tax obligation by indirect transfer of shares of Chinese resident enterprises through arrangements like abusing the corporate governance.

 In accordance with the provisions in Circular No.698, foreign investor whose indirect transfer of Chinese residence enterprises falling into the following two catalogues:

(1) The real tax burden rate of the jurisdiction where the offshore holding company transferred is incorporated is less than 12.5%; or

(2) The jurisdiction where the offshore holding company transferred is incorporated does not acquire income tax from foreign-sourced income.

 shall submit the relevant documents as below to the local taxation bureau where the Chinese domestic enterprises being transferred located within 30 days after the execution of Share Transfer Agreement to prove the aforesaid indirect share transfer is for reasonable commercial purpose.

(1) Share Transfer Contract or Agreement.

(2) The relationship between Foreign Investors and Offshore Holding Companies transferred by Foreign Investors regarding finance, operation, purchase and sale, etc;

(3) The situation of the operation, personnel, finance, property of the offshore holding companies transferred by foreign investors;

(4) The relationship of the offshore holding companies transferred by foreign investors and Chinese domestic enterprises regarding finance, operation, purchase and sale, etc.

(5) The Explanations of reasonable commercial objectives of establishment of offshore holding companies by foreign investors.

(6)Other relevant documents required by Taxation Authorities.

 Where administrating tax authorities, upon review and examination of the documents submitted by foreign investors, deem such offshore holding company to be a vehicle incorporated for the purpose of tax evasion, it has the power to re-classify the share transfer transaction in according to the nature of economies, deny the existence of offshore holding company and impose 10% income tax to the transfer of shares after the examination by the State Administration of Taxation.

 In the second place, when non-resident enterprises transfer Chinese resident enterprises to affiliated parties in the unfair price compared to the fair and independent transaction to reduce the taxable income, tax authorities have the power to adjust the income by proper methods.

 In the third place, provisions contained in Circular 698, share transfer income refers to difference between share transfer price and share cost. Share transfer price includes all sum received by share transfer assignors. In the event of invested enterprises have non-allocated profit or various funds after tax profit drawing, the invested enterprises shall not deduct aforesaid income sum from share transfer price. Cost of shares refers to real contribution sum paid by share transfer assignor to Chinese domestic company, or transfer sum paid to original assignors in the time when assignors purchased these shares.

Influence to the Oversea IPO’s and M&A

 As the Circular 698 enforced from January 1, 2008, non-resident enterprises shall review the transfer situation of Chinese domestic enterprises to decide the next step whether to calculate and submit the Enterprise Income Tax (direct transfer) or to submit the relevant document to Local Tax Authorities in the place where Chinese domestic enterprises located (indirect transfer).

国税函 2009(698)号解读
Interpretation of Circular No.698
